Iicio / Cursos OnLine / International Diploma Course on Tailings : Management, Operation, Optimization and New Technologies

Diplomado Internacional de relaves ENG (1) (1) (1)


Mining companies and new mining projects are implementing new construction and tailing disposal methods for a safe mine operation, closure and post closure. Therefore, the importance of knowing the applications of the Global Standard Systems in Tailings Management, such as the Mining Association of Canada "MAC", Towards Sustainable Mining "TSM", International Council on Mining and Metals "ICMM", all worth to learn in this so competitive and globalized era.

In the present century, more than 9 tailings dam have collapsed in the world, other 15 incidents were reported that could have been catastrophic collapses; this has led to improve and globalize the new Standards in the Management of Mining Tailings.

INTERMET, once again committed with the Environment and promoting Sustainable Development, is pleased to present the International Diploma Course in Tailings Management, which provides two important concepts to participants: Management Tools in the Identification of Hazards, evaluating and assessing all the risks existing in Tailings Dams and the Global Management Systems in Tailings Operations.


Consists of online classes, most of them in live and some pre-recorded. Streaming is via Zoom and a virtual platform is provided to download materials, post videos and evaluations/assignments.


Professionals with experience in mining operations or research centers.


Spanish with simultaneous English interpretation.
Recorded classes will be storage in platform with access to participants any time.


To be issued by International Metallurgical Consultants (InterMet) well known in main mining operations in Latin-America.
80 % attendance is required and a passing grade in the evaluation.
Signed by the main Instructor, InterMet General Manager, along with QR code, number if of hours, grade and date. No format nor expiration date are inserted.


  • Eng. Hilario Gorvenia. (Metso:Outotec)
  • Eng. Mario Paredes. (Hudbay Minera Constancia)
  • Eng. Marco Gutiérrez.( MMG Minera Las Bambas)
  • Eng. Humberto Villanueva (Minera Las Bambas)
  • Eng. Saúl Quispe ( First Quantum, Minera Panamá)
  • Eng. Vidal Mamani.(Consorcio Minero Horizonte)
  • Eng. Boris García ( Gran Colombia Gold)
  • Eng. Herbert Raza ( Minera Goldmins)
  • Eng. Gustavo Gainza (Knight Piesold)
  • Eng. Dante García (Molycop)


1.Origin of mining and generation of tailings in the world : 8 hours

2.Definition of minerals and mining tailings : 8 hours

3.Environmental liabilities in main countries : 8 hours

4.Evolution of the Equipment used during the tailings processes : 8 hours

5.Tailings Disposal: upstream, downstream and main axis : 8 hours

6.Geometallurgy of tailings to identify the disposal method : 8 hours

7.Basic construction concepts for tailing dam : 8 hours

8.Thick tailings disposal : 8 hours

9.Paste tailings disposal : 8 hours

10.Filtered tailings disposal and filtered equipment : 8 hours

11.Tailings physical & chemical stability : 8 hours

12.Comparative costs of the different disposal methods : 4 hours

13.Geotechnical instrumentation for tailing dams : 4 hours

14.Elaboration of the operations and surveillance handbook : 4 hours

15.Engineer of Record "EoR" and Leadership in Tailings Management : 4 hours

16.Elaboration of the tailing dam closure : 4 hours

17.Circular Economy in Tailings Management : 4 hours

18.New technologies for Tailings Reuse : 4 hours

19.Backfill in underground mining : 4 hours

20.Support with shotcrete in underground mining : 4 hours

21.Tailings Management: Mining Association of Canada "MAC" : 4 hours

22.Tailings Management: Towards Sustainable Mining "TSM" : 4 hours

23.The International Council on Mining and Metals "ICMM" : 4 hours

24.Tailing dam guideline "ANCOLD" : 4 hours

25.Presentation by different experts : 10 hours

26.Final Evaluation : 4 hours

27.Onsite visit to a real tailings dam : 8 hours



Chemical Engineer with over 26 years in the mining industry, from which 19 years were dedicated to Tailings Management in Medium and Large Scale Mining.

Studied a 2nd specialization in Environmental Management and Slope Stability. In 2018, he finished his MBA in Business Administration in Miami.

He has started up and optimized 4 Tailings Dams, 3 in Peru and 1 in Cuba.

He has conducted research on new disruptive technologies in Tailings Stabilization with high acid drainage generation, at ATL Metallurgy in Perth Australia in 2019 and at Profiq Laboratory in Mexico.

He is currently developing applications of Nanotechnology for Tailings Reuse in Construction and Circular Economy Applications.

Moreover, he is designing a Filtered Tailings Plant in a Gold Mine in Ecuador and a Tailings Dam Closure in Southern Peru - Cuzco with Nanotechnology.

He is Manager of Tailings and Development of New Technologies at PowerTailings Technologies. He is a technical advisor in Tailings at PowerCem in Holland and consultant for InterMet in Peru.


Diplomado Internacional de relaves ENG (1) (1) (2)



From August 4, 2023 to May 31, 2024


Fridays from 7:00PM TO 9:00PM & Saturdays from 9:00AM TO 11:00AM (Peruvian time)
