Juan is a Professor at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM) and serves as Deputy Director of the Automation and Supervision Center for the Mining Industry (CASIM), also at the UTFSM. His experience includes consultancies to numerous mining companies, both national and international, such as Chuquicamata, Teniente, Andina, Salvador, among others. His specialty focuses on applied research in modeling, diagnosis and control of flotation processes.

Paulina is a researcher specialized in flotation, process modeling, mineralogy and characterization of industrial flotation. She currently works as a researcher at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM) and as a Project Engineer at the Automation and Supervision Center for the Mining Industry (CASIM), UTFSM. She has participated in technical assistance and consulting projects for several companies in Chile and abroad, such as Minera Escondida, Los Pelambres, Centinela, Collahuasi, among others.